Peak Experiences
Peak experiences are moments of intense happiness, creativity or personal fulfilment that allow us to reach our full potential.
Peak experiences are moments of intense happiness, creativity or personal fulfilment that allow us to reach our full potential.
Abraham Maslow’s principles applied to work and business show us the importance of satisfying basic and high human needs for a healthy and productive work environment.
Maslow’s principles can be effectively applied in the educational context to promote optimal learning and the holistic development of students.
Humanistic psychology is a school of thought within psychology that focuses on personal growth, freedom of choice and the positive nature of human beings.
Self-actualization is the highest level of Maslow’s pyramid and focuses on the full development of human potential.
Esteem needs, including self-respect and recognition from others, are fundamental to our personal and social development.
Physiological, security and social needs are essential to our basic survival and well-being. Without meeting these needs, it is difficult to reach our full potential and live a fulfilling life.
Maslow’s theory of motivation provides an in-depth understanding of human needs and how these needs influence motivation.
Psychology is an exciting discipline that helps us understand how our minds work and why we behave in certain ways.
Abraham Maslow was an influential psychologist who developed the theory of human motivation and the hierarchy of needs.