Neil Armstrong


Satellites are objects that orbit around the Earth and have different uses. Communication satellites allow us to communicate over long distances, Earth observation satellites help us obtain information about our planet, and navigation satellites help us determine our location.

Distances in Space

Distances in space are enormous, and special units of measurement are required to describe them. The light-year and parsec are two of the most commonly used units for measuring distances in space.

Rockets and Space Propulsion

Rockets and space propulsion allow us to explore space and discover new worlds. Rockets work by expelling gases at high speed through a propulsion engine.


Gravity is a fascinating force that affects us all. It’s thanks to gravity that we can walk on Earth and that objects fall to the ground instead of floating in the air.

United States

United States is a fascinating country with diverse geography, rich culture, and famous people who have made their mark on history.

Space Race, Cold War

The Space Race and the Cold War were exciting moments in human history. Through the competition between the United States and the Soviet Union, we achieved great advances in space exploration and laid the foundation for future missions and discoveries.


The Moon is our natural satellite and has been the subject of study and exploration for centuries. It formed from a giant impact billions of years ago, and its surface is filled with craters, mountains, and seas.

Space and Our Solar System

Space and our solar system are fascinating subjects. We learned about the different planets, their unique characteristics, and how they relate to each other.


Astronauts are brave and curious people who travel to space to learn more about our universe. They conduct scientific research, maintain the space station, and perform spacewalks.

Life of Neil Armstrong

Neil Armstrong was a brave and determined man who achieved something extraordinary by becoming the first human to walk on the Moon.

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