Pablo Picasso

Aesthetic Appreciation

Aesthetic appreciation and appreciation of art allow us to develop our sensitivity, creativity and understanding of different cultures.

Innovating through Experimentation

Innovation in art and in any field does not happen overnight. It is the result of a process of creation, experimentation and continuous improvement.


Surrealism is an artistic and literary movement that seeks to explore the imagination and the subconscious through images and scenes that defy logic and reality.


Collage is a creative and versatile art form that allows you to combine different elements to create unique visual compositions.

Color Psychology

The psychology of color plays a fundamental role in Picasso’s work, especially in his Blue and Pink Periods.

Three Dimensional Representation

Rendering three-dimensional objects from different angles allows us to better visualize and understand the shape and structure of objects in three-dimensional space.

Geometric Bodies

Geometric bodies are three-dimensional objects that have shape, volume and occupy space in the real world.


Cubism was a revolutionary artistic movement that broke with the traditional conventions of art.

Picasso’s Painting

Picasso’s paintings are a priceless treasure in the art world. His unique style and his ability to defy convention have left an indelible mark on history.

Life of Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso was an exceptional artist whose life and work left an indelible mark on the history of art.

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