+10 years old

Leonardo Da Vinci Portrait

Leonardo da Vinci

Genius known for his vast range of talents in fields such as painting, sculpture, engineering, anatomy and architecture.

Socrates Bust


Greek philosopher, famous for his unique way of teaching.

Louis Braille Portrait

Louis Braille

Developed the Braille system, which greatly improved the quality of life for visually impaired people.

Juan José Arévalo Bermejo Portrait

Juan José Arévalo

Guatemalan intellectual, educator and politician, known for being the first democratically elected president of Guatemala after the 1944 Revolution.



One of the greatest soccer players of all time and an undisputed legend in the world of soccer.

Alexander Fleming

Alexander Fleming

He discovered penicillin, which made possible the introduction of antibiotics to treat infections.

Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso

One of the most influential painters and sculptors of the 20th century.

Ludwig Van Beethoven Portrait

Ludwig van Beethoven

One of the most important musicians in history, considered the bridge between the classical and romantic periods of Western music.

Henry Ford

Henry Ford

Influential American businessman and pioneer of the automotive industry.

Nadia Comaneci

Nadia Comaneci

A gymnast who made history by achieving a perfect score at the Olympic Games for the first time.

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