By Orange Learning / July 3, 2023 Diplomacy and Alliances Lesson Content Diplomacy and AlliancesWhat is diplomacy?Bilateral diplomacy.Multilateral diplomacyPublic diplomacyWhat are international partnerships?Diplomacy and alliances of Alexander the GreatAlliance with PhilotasDiplomacy with PersiaAlliance with the GreeksAlliances with the PersiansAlliances with the EgyptiansDiplomacy and alliances in today's worldInternational alliancesNATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization).The European Union (EU)MercosurImportance of diplomacy and alliances in today's worldPromoting peace and stabilityBoosting economic developmentAddressing global challengesConclusionExplore MoreReview QuestionsIndividual ActivitiesTake this Learning to a Group 🔒 Login or subscribe to access this content. «Previous lesson: Administration of the Empire of Alexander the Great Next Lesson: Military Engineering» Module Lessons Life of Alexander the Great Empire of Alexander the Great Ancient Cultures Military Strategies Cultural Exchange Hellenism Administration of the Empire of Alexander the Great Diplomacy and Alliances Military Engineering Ambition and Humility Mark as completed