By Orange Learning / October 1, 2023 Classic Conditioning Lesson Content Classic ConditioningWhat is classical conditioning?Example 1: The sound of a school bell.Example 2: The smell of foodExample 3: Tastes and preferencesExample 4: Fear of the elevatorIvan Pavlov's experimentNeutral stimulus, unconditioned stimulus and unconditioned responseThe classical conditioning processAcquisition stage.Extinction stageSpontaneous recovery stageSignificance of Pavlov's experimentsBenefits of understanding classical conditioningSelf-awarenessBehavioral changeInformed decision makingKey conclusionsExplore MoreReview QuestionsIndividual ActivitiesTake this Learning to a Group 🔒 Login or subscribe to access this content. «Previous lesson: Digestive Physiology Next Lesson: Behavioral Therapies» Module Lessons Life of Iván Pávlov Digestive Physiology Classic Conditioning Behavioral Therapies Classical Conditioning in Education Pavlovian Marketing Classical Conditioning Vs. Operant Conditioning Behaviorism Scientific Method in Psychology Russia Mark as completed