Mary Shelley

(1797-1851) was an English writer, essayist and playwright, best known as the author of Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus (1818), one of the first works of science fiction in literature. Born in London, she was the daughter of Mary Wollstonecraft, a pioneering feminist, and William Godwin, an influential political philosopher, which exposed her from an early age to a progressive intellectual environment. At 16, she ran away with the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, with whom she shared a life marked by passion, personal tragedies and financial hardship. In addition to Frankenstein, he wrote novels such as The Last Man, essays and short stories that explored themes such as morality, science and isolation. Her life, marked by loss, travel and her defiance of social conventions, made her an iconic literary figure of her time.


Life of Mary Shelley
Mary Shelley was a 19th century British writer known for her famous novel “Frankenstein”. Her masterpiece has left a lasting …
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Our relationships with our parental figures and mentors are fundamental to our personal, social and academic development. These people provide …
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Stepfamilies are an important part of today’s society. They have distinctive characteristics, such as diversity and flexibility, and face unique …
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Grief and personal loss are challenging but normal experiences in life. We all face loss at some point and it …
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