

Polio is a serious disease that can cause paralysis and disability. Fortunately, thanks to vaccines, polio is almost eradicated in most countries.


Satellites are objects that orbit around the Earth and have different uses. Communication satellites allow us to communicate over long distances, Earth observation satellites help us obtain information about our planet, and navigation satellites help us determine our location.

Distances in Space

Distances in space are enormous, and special units of measurement are required to describe them. The light-year and parsec are two of the most commonly used units for measuring distances in space.

Rockets and Space Propulsion

Rockets and space propulsion allow us to explore space and discover new worlds. Rockets work by expelling gases at high speed through a propulsion engine.


Gravity is a fascinating force that affects us all. It’s thanks to gravity that we can walk on Earth and that objects fall to the ground instead of floating in the air.


The Moon is our natural satellite and has been the subject of study and exploration for centuries. It formed from a giant impact billions of years ago, and its surface is filled with craters, mountains, and seas.

Space and Our Solar System

Space and our solar system are fascinating subjects. We learned about the different planets, their unique characteristics, and how they relate to each other.

Brain, Classical Music and Intelligence

Classical music can have a positive impact on our brain and enhance our intelligence. Listening to classical music can improve our concentration, reduce stress, and strengthen our cognitive skills.


The pyramids of Egypt are an impressive legacy of ancient Egyptian civilization. These monumental structures show us the skill and ingenuity of the ancient Egyptians, as well as their belief in life after death.


Biomimicry is a fascinating discipline that teaches us to look to nature for inspiration. Through observation and study of living organisms, scientists and engineers can solve problems and create innovative solutions.

Process and Art of Building Construction

Architecture is a fascinating form of art that combines creativity and functionality. The buildings around us have a significant impact on our lives and the environment.

First Aid

First Aid is fundamental skills that everyone should learn. They allow us to provide immediate help in case of emergency and can make the difference between life and death.

History of Medicine

The history of medicine is fascinating and full of discoveries and advancements that have improved the health and well-being of people over the centuries.

Sustainable Agricultural Practices

Sustainable agricultural practices are farming methods that focus on protecting the environment, conserving natural resources and ensuring long-term healthy food production.

Animal Behavior and Communication

The animal behavior and communication are fascinating aspects of the animal kingdom. Animals have different ways of behaving and communicating with each other, adapting to their environment and ensuring their survival.


The biomes play a crucial role in the balance of our planet and how they are sources of life, food and natural resources.

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