Socioemotional Education

Creativity in Times of Crisis

The story of Mary Shelley and the writing of “Frankenstein” shows us that creativity can flourish even in the most difficult of times.


Grief and personal loss are challenging but normal experiences in life. We all face loss at some point and it is important to remember that grief is an individual process unique to each person.

Love and Power in Relationships

Love and power dynamics in relationships can be complicated and challenging. It is important to recognize and address any power imbalances that may exist in a relationship.


Stepfamilies are an important part of today’s society. They have distinctive characteristics, such as diversity and flexibility, and face unique challenges, such as adaptation and complex relationships.

Parental Figures and Mentors

Our relationships with our parental figures and mentors are fundamental to our personal, social and academic development. These people provide us with support, guidance and teachings that help us grow and achieve our goals.

Peak Experiences

Peak experiences are moments of intense happiness, creativity or personal fulfilment that allow us to reach our full potential.

Esteem Needs

Esteem needs, including self-respect and recognition from others, are fundamental to our personal and social development.

Value of Nonviolence

Nonviolence is a philosophy and a powerful strategy for resolving conflicts peacefully. Violence only perpetuates the cycle of violence and does not solve the underlying problems.

Generosity and Altruism

Generosity and altruism are essential qualities that enable us to build a more just and equitable society. Cultivating these qualities in our lives gives us a sense of purpose and connects us to something greater than ourselves.

Life Lessons

Steve Jobs’ Stanford University commencement speech provides us with valuable lessons about the importance of following our passion, learning from failures, living each day as if it were our last, not being afraid to follow our own path, and persevering despite obstacles.

Ambition and Humility

Ambition and humility are important qualities in life. Ambition drives us to set challenging goals and work hard to achieve them, while humility helps us stay grounded and connected to others.

Literature and Theatre in Ancient Greece

Literature and theater in ancient Greece played an important role in the life of the ancient Greeks. Epic and tragedy were the most prominent literary genres, with writers such as Homer and Sophocles leaving a lasting legacy.

Greek Art & Architecture

Greek art and architecture are a fascinating window into the past. Through sculpture, painting, temples and theaters, the ancient Greeks expressed their love of beauty and the pursuit of knowledge.

Ancient Athens

Athens at the time of Socrates was a city full of culture, knowledge and democracy.

Western Philosophy

Western philosophy is a discipline that seeks to understand the foundations of reality, human existence and knowledge. Throughout history, Western philosophers have explored a wide range of topics and concepts, from metaphysics and epistemology to ethics and political philosophy.

Quest for Virtue

The pursuit of virtue according to Socrates is a continuous process of self-improvement through knowledge and self-reflection.

Inner Beauty

Inner beauty is much more valuable than outer beauty as the story of the ugly duckling teaches us. The Bible teaches us that true beauty comes from within and is based on a person’s inner qualities and characteristics.

Innovating through Experimentation

Innovation in art and in any field does not happen overnight. It is the result of a process of creation, experimentation and continuous improvement.

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